image source self.com
8 Fashion Fitness Routines To Give Your Body A Boost
Starting a new year is an excellent time to make healthy resolutions and invest in your health. One way to do that is by adopting a fashionable fitness lifestyle. Here are eight fashion-forward fitness routines that you can start incorporating into your weekly routine:
1) The booty blaster:
This routine involves plank poses with each leg in the air for 30 seconds. You can increase the intensity by holding weights or adding resistance bands during these moves.
2) The ab workout:
Lie down on your back with feet flat on the ground and hands behind your head, then lift your hips off of the ground 10 times every second until you reach Maximum Abs, and hold for two seconds., switch sides.
3) Triple Threats:
Start by doing three sets of 20 lunges followed by three sets of 40 crunches (total 60 reps). Finish up with 20 squats (or any other strength exercise).
4) Pilates PowerPlans:
For this routine, start lying facedown on a mat with both legs hanging over one side so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Try contacting each core muscle group as quickly as possible while keeping both legs.
5) Interval training:
A recent study found that interval training, or alternating short bursts of intense activity with rest periods, was the most effective exercise for weight loss and cardiovascular health. By working for different muscle groups in succession, intervals help burn more calories than regular aerobic exercises without exceeding your threshold for fatigue.
6) Strength training:
Strength training not only helps build tone and definition muscles, but it also increases morale and decreases stress levels! The key is to focus on compound movements (e.g., squats, lunges) instead of isolation moves (e.g., biceps curls).
7) HIIT cardio:
High-intensity interval Training (HIIT) combines extended bouts of vigorous exercise with brief periods of recovery, so you’re constantly challenging yourself while also burning lots of calories quickly. Select a HIIT workout incorporating upper and lower body workouts for the best results.
8) Dancing:
Dancing has long been known as a great form of exercise because it tones many muscles simultaneously and improves cardiovascular function. As far as types go, all sorts/dances, such as salsa, ballroom, cha-cha etc., will work countless leg & butt muscles simultaneously!
Bottom Line
With these amazing fashion fitness routines, you can easily boost your energy levels as well as get rid of excess fat in few weeks. Moreover, the routine gives you a great shape and also helps to keep your body fit.
Try it out today and see the results in no time!