Makeup is something which has tended to come a long way this was discovered around Egyptian time it was introduced in Egypt and it evolved from time to time. Many cosmetic materials are still popular today which include kohl and Heena. Men and women of all classes would decorate their eyes with colored kohl, usually in dark green, black or blue. The world’s first anti-wrinkle serums were also used in ancient Egypt.
The journey of makeup was begun from this particular period. Whereas in China Royals wore gold or silver while the lower classes were only allowed to wear bright nail colors. Plum blossom makeup was famous at the time which was originated from a folklore tale. the evolution was never-ending and then it comes the 20th century the makeup this time was all about powdering the face and to look white.
The cosmetic routine at this time involved a simple powdered face, pinching to bring color to the cheeks, and darkening eyelashes with burnt matches. Colored petals or wet red tissue paper were used to color the lips. Beetroot was a popular supplement for a lip stain and proved relatively harmless compared to the use of boot polish as mascara.
Then comes the 21st century where makeup has done the most of its achievements. In the 21st century, makeup is for everyone. Men are quickly catching onto products such as concealer and eyeliner to enhance their features. Now more than ever, makeup is seen as a tool of self-expression, whoever that self may be. More products are introduced to the market every now and hence till now the makeup has covered a long journey and would be covering all along.