Hey see her isn’t she fat like a pig hey notice that isn’t that guy look like an ice cream stick seriously which guy is thin and which girl is fat every girl should have freaking 36 24 36 body type and a guy should be muscular with 6 packs and good biceps and triceps isn’t it what society has a fixed norms set for our body type. It is very common people taunting out other people on their body shape, size and maybe they too aren’t that body type too but people do think body-shaming is their birthright.
So exactly what happens is people who body shame taunt other nothing happens to them they won’t feel depressed about their body types but will make you feel uncomfortable in your own body you will be hating yourself stop wearing short dresses be uncomfortable around your surrounding and you will always feel negativity around yourself and for no reason your brain will be stuck to one thing if I wore these people are going to comment on my body type. The same goes for the boys to be too fat make them hippo and thin one going to end up suffering from one famous dialogue he is a Chiclet having chickens legs. Society here is to say whatever they want to say it is their opinion about you but always do remember the opinion that should strike your head is your own opinion. Be proud of what you have been given and you can slay in any form. Who said chubby girls are not hot maybe not that figure wise but they are the only ones having the cute chubby face everyone wishes for. People say