Exams fever is what one has to go through every time. Being prepare or not everyone is in the tension and fear of failing. The most important thing is how to attempt the paper. Everybody focuses on the preparation of the exam but the most important thing is how we attempt the paper.
So here are some tips which may help you out in attempting the paper maybe save your time to recheck it.
• Start your paper from the end. Now, this is something which is going to help you because in the last session there is the question carrying the highest marks. Now what will happen to attempt from highest marks question will not only decrease the stress but also will boost up the confidence of attempting the other with a pace. Plus, there is an advantage too if you aren’t able to maybe attempt whole paper at least you are not leaving the question having the highest mark and leaving one carrying one marks.
Source: ilekh.com
- Maintain a speed. Now divide the section into different parts assigning each one a time for the last session especially for math target should be about 1 hour 30 min; 45 min for section C, 30 min for section B and 15 min for section A this will help you complete your paper on time.
- 15 minutes before we get the paper so mark the questions you are confident about and attempt them first but keep one thing in mind don’t mix and match the question like attempting one question from one section and another from other firstly complete one whole session leave the question you don’t know attempt those questions at the last when you have completed the one you are confident about and one more thing read the passages beforehand in those 15 min in English paper this is going to help you in last when you have to just mark the answers.
- Especially for English paper, start with literature then go for writing and grammar and at the last attempt the unseen passage one.
Source: www.quora.com
• There is one trick or tip when you get the answer sheet and the time starts take two minutes and write the formulas and important pointers you want to remember because during the exam you may skip the one so if you don’t want this to happen try this.
Hope this article helped you out a little bit and wish you all the very best for exams.